Friday, June 5, 2009

New Use for Kapitol Reef Snorkel

Oh my, I had a new experience this last week while in Jamaica. I was driving north between Montego Bay and Ocho Rios. I was in the Runaway Bay area. I was passed by two cars just before I went around a corner. When I rounded this corner there was a large police officer on the side of the road holding a radar detector and waving for me to pull over. I Was surprised because two cars had just past me. So I pulled over and the officer came to me told me I was doing 75 Km H in a 50 Km H zone. He told me to get my rental agreement and my license and meet him on the side of the road. So I got both documents and got out of the car. He began to explain to me that I was going too fast and now would have to "pay the government a lot of money." He sad it 3 - 4 times. He then asked me why I was in Jamaica and so I told him about the Kapitol Reef snorkel. He then asked me what he should do about my speeding and the fact that I would have to "pay a lot of money to the government. I suggested that he give me a warning ticket since I was new to the island and did not realize that I was going over the speed limit. I told him because I was there for work I did not have cash only a company credit card. He said that I should pay him and his partner money for them to have lunch. I told him again that I did not have money. Then I told him they could each have a Kapitol Reef snorkel. He did not like the idea until I told him that they cost $89 US. He then said great. I gave them both a snorkel and the officer gave me my license and car rental agreement back and let me go. I am not sure how much those two snorkels saved me but they got me out of trouble. Yea Kapitol Reef snorkel!!


  1. My Uncle Jerry! I had no idea you were traveling the world. And, to sell what sounds like an awesome snorkel. The places you have been are incredible! I hope you are enjoying yourself!

  2. oh my what a dirty snake, just trying to get money out of a tourist. Ha ha, it's funny that the snorkel got you out of that jam. the capitol reef has many uses. It was fun to hang out with you and debbie on saturday, Hayden sure loves her grandpa and grandma.
